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Eerie Elementary #1: The School Is Alive! (A Branches Book) Page 3

  Antonio cut him off. "Sam, everyone will

  think we're crazy. I'm still not sure we aren't."


  Sam sighed. He knew Antonio was right.

  "Besides," Antonio said, "I've got my lucky

  peanut butter and jelly sandwich in my pocket!

  What could go wrong?"

  Sam rolled his eyes. "Lucky sandwich . . ."

  Before Sam could say anything else, the

  lights dimmed. The audience went quiet. The

  play was about to start.

  Lucy rushed over. She pulled Antonio

  toward the stage. "Wish us luck, Sam!" she

  whispered as she and Antonio marched out


  Sam sighed. "Good luck. . . ."

  Two hours later, Sam was smiling from ear

  to ear — he couldn't believe it: The play was

  actually going okay! Lucy was saying her lines

  perfectly, Antonio made an awesome Peter Pan,

  and the audience was clapping a ton.

  Maybe he had been worried for nothing.

  The next scene was the most exciting part

  of the play: the big finish. Antonio and Lucy

  were strung up on wires high above the stage

  like they were flying.


  "Sam!" Ms. Grinker said. "It's your turn


  "Oh, right," Sam muttered.

  He stepped out into the spotlight and began

  to say his lines: "I am Noodler, Captain Hook's

  friendly pirate. And I order you to —"

  Sam stopped. He felt something move

  below his feet. . . .





  With horror, Sam realized the school had

  been waiting for him. Now that he was onstage,

  the school was coming to life!

  This was it.

  There were some whispers in the audience.

  People thought Sam had forgotten his lines.

  But Sam didn't care about his lines.

  He cared about what he saw next:

  A trapdoor in the floor

  was opening!

  From up high, Lucy and Antonio saw it, too.

  The trapdoor was opening wider and wider.

  It was like the wooden stage was suddenly

  made of rubber.


  Sam's heart pounded as he looked down

  into the darkness below. There, he saw the

  true terror. . . .


  Beneath the stage, hundreds of metal folding

  chairs were opening and closing like a set of

  giant jagged teeth!

  And high above this

  hungry mouth, Antonio

  and Lucy were dangling

  on their wires. They

  were about to be

  eaten alive!



  The big red curtains swooshed shut. The

  audience gasped. They could no longer see

  the stage.

  A closet door banged open behind Sam.

  Then the floorboards lifted up to form a slide.

  Ms. Grinker and the other students tumbled

  backward into the closet.




  From offstage, Mr. Nekobi yelled, "Sam! It's

  happening!" He ran toward Sam. But the

  curtain ropes grabbed hold of him. The ropes

  flung Mr. Nekobi inside

  the closet, too. The

  door snapped shut.

  Next, the lights

  went out. Only one

  spotlight stayed on. It

  was pointed at Sam,

  Lucy, and Antonio.

  The audience can't see the

  stage, and the teachers and students

  are trapped in the closet! Sam thought.

  I'm the only one who can save everyone!

  The chair mouth began

  to climb up out of its

  hole in the floor —

  like a worm

  coming up out of

  the ground!


  Lucy and Antonio began kicking and

  screaming. "What is that?!" Lucy yelled.

  Antonio thrashed on his wire, trying to

  get away from the huge teeth. As he swung,

  his lucky peanut butter and jelly sandwich

  slipped from his pocket. It fell down into the

  giant mouth. The sandwich splattered against

  the chair teeth.


  Sam got an idea.

  "I'll be back!" he shouted up to his friends.

  "Don't leave us, Sam!" Lucy cried. She was

  fiddling with her wire, trying to untie herself.

  "Just trust me," Sam said. He leapt over the

  giant mouth.

  Everyone in the audience gasped as Sam

  jumped out from behind the closed curtain.

  He sprinted out of the dark auditorium and

  into the hallway.

  When Sam reached the end of the hall, he

  pushed open the lunchroom door. It was quiet

  and dark, but as soon as Sam stepped inside,

  the lunchroom came alive. The chairs shook.

  The long tables buckled up and down, and

  the ceiling lamps swung.

  A deep moaning sound came from a speaker

  on the wall. Eerie Elementary was howling.


  Sam needed to get into the kitchen, but

  every step he took seemed to make the

  school angrier. Packages of cookies exploded.

  Tables flipped over. Light bulbs above his

  head shattered!

  Suddenly, the vending machine began firing

  bottles of water at him. One blasted Sam in

  the chest, knocking him onto his back.

  I'll never make it all the way to the kitchen, he

  thought. Unless . . .


  Sam thought back to his training. He

  remembered Antonio telling him to use what

  was around him.

  Sam leapt to his feet, grabbed an orange

  lunch tray, and held it over his chest. He

  hopped up on a table and sprinted down the

  length of it! As he charged toward the kitchen,

  the vending machine fired more water bottles

  at him.


  The bottles bounced off his shield.

  Sam jumped off the end of the table, hit the

  ground, and rolled into the kitchen.

  Then he saw it: the one thing that could

  save his friends.




  Sam stared up at a giant drum of peanut

  butter. It was stacked high atop a table full

  of food supplies. He shook the table, then

  jumped back. Jars of secret sauce and cans of

  soup crashed to the ground — along with the

  peanut butter drum.





  Sam rolled the drum out through the

  lunchroom door. He gave it a heavy push. It

  barreled down the hall, clearing a path.

  POW! The drum knocked a monstrous

  chair out of the way.

  BOOM! The drum sent a spinning trash

  can flying.

  KLAM! KLAM! KLAM! The drum blasted


  through a set of locker doors.

  The peanut butter drum crushed everything

  in its way!

  At last, Sam made it backstage with the

  drum. Lucy ran toward him.

  "Lucy!" Sam yelled. "How'd you get down?"

/>   "I was able to untie myself. But I couldn't

  reach Antonio. He's still stuck and —"


  Sam pushed the drum toward the stage and

  looked up. The giant mouth had grown larger!

  It was now made of hundreds of folding chairs

  that together formed a hundred teeth. Two of

  the teeth had hold of Antonio's green pants.

  Any second now, he would be eaten alive!

  "HELP!" yelled Antonio.

  "Sam, what can we do?" asked Lucy.

  "Follow my lead," Sam said.


  The mouth was about to chomp into

  Antonio. Just then, Sam shouted, "Hey,

  Eerie Elementary! Are you hungry?"

  The monstrous chair mouth turned away

  from Antonio. It faced Sam and Lucy and let

  out a growl.

  Sam and Lucy didn't flinch. They stood

  perfectly still.

  The mouth opened wider.

  Lucy grabbed hold of Sam's arm. Sam held

  his breath.

  As the giant mouth charged toward them,

  the stage floorboards were breaking apart.

  Sam stared into the center of the chomping,

  thrashing mouth. It was upon them.


  NOW!" Sam screamed.

  Together, Sam and Lucy kicked the heavy

  peanut butter drum as hard as they could.

  It bowled across the stage, right into the

  giant mouth! The teeth chomped down on

  the drum, and —


  The drum burst open, and gallons

  of peanut butter flew everywhere. The

  peanut butter was gumming up the

  monster's mouth. The chewing slowed,

  then stopped.

  Lucy and Sam bumped fists.

  "You did it!" Antonio shouted from up


  "I couldn't have done it without you

  two!" said Sam, smiling.

  The sticky mouth slipped back down

  through the trapdoor. The trapdoor closed.

  The floor returned to normal.

  It was over.

  Eerie Elementary was silent.

  Then — all of the sudden — the stage

  curtains swooshed open!


  The lights came on. The closet door opened.

  Ms. Grinker, Mr. Nekobi, and the students

  stumbled out.

  For a moment, everyone was quiet. The

  audience looked around, confused.

  Ms. Grinker walked out onstage. "Um . . .

  well, uh . . . Let's have a hand for the kids! That

  play was amazing!" she said.





  Sam's mom started clapping. "Wonderful

  job, Sam!" she yelled.

  Soon, everyone was clapping. No one had

  any idea what had just happened.

  Lucy helped Antonio down from his wire.

  Then she whispered to Sam, "Um, now what?"

  Sam smiled. "Now we take our bow."

  Backstage, the students were changing out

  of their costumes.

  Mr. Nekobi took Sam aside. "You did well

  tonight, Sam Graves," he said. "Everyone here

  is in good hands." Then he walked away.

  Sam ran over to his friends. He burst out,

  "I told you guys the school was alive! Now do

  you believe me?"

  Antonio and Lucy were talking so fast

  that Sam could hardly understand them.

  He laughed and said, "Guys, relax. I'll tell you


  And he did. As they were waiting out

  front for their parents, Sam told his friends

  everything there was to tell about Eerie


  The school cast long shadows, lit by the

  moon. Two large windows were open, and

  inside two lights burned like eyes, watching the

  three best friends.


  Sam reached into his backpack. He felt the

  hall monitor sash that, just a few days earlier, he

  had been embarrassed to wear. Now he had a

  sudden urge to put it on. He knew it wouldn't

  be long before Eerie Elementary would strike

  again. . . .

  Jack Chabert was a hall monitor

  at Joshua Eaton Elementary School in

  Reading, Massachusetts. But unlike our

  hero Sam Graves's school, Jack's school

  was not alive. Jack's life as a hall monitor

  was much less exciting than Sam's — and

  not nearly as scary!

  Today, Jack Chabert monitors the halls of

  a different building: a strange, old apartment

  building in New York City that he calls home.

  His days are spent playing video games, eating junk food,

  and reading comic books. And at night, he walks the

  halls, always prepared for the moment when his building

  will come alive.

  Sam Ricks went to a haunted

  grade school, but he never got to be the

  hall monitor. And, as far as he knows,

  the school never tried to eat him.

  Sam graduated from the University of

  Baltimore with a master's degree in design.

  He teaches illustration and design at The

  Art Institute of Salt Lake City, Utah. And

  he illustrates strange tales from the comfort

  of his nearby, non-carnivorous home.

  Quicksand is a compound word. A

  compound word is made up of two

  words that come together to make

  one new word. What is quicksand?

  Use what you know about quick

  and sand to figure out the meaning.

  Who is Mr. Nekobi? And how

  does he help Sam?

  Look at the picture

  on page 54. What is

  Sam doing?

  How does Antonio's sandwich

  help Sam save everyone?

  Would you want to be the hall

  monitor? Use examples from the

  book to write why or why not.

  How muCH do you know about


  Illustrated early chapter books that grow readers!

  Troy Cumings

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  ISBN 978-0-545-55297-4

















  Full-Color 1-Color Knockout

  More leveling information for this book:

  More leveling information for this book:

  Cover at by Tro Cumings

  Design by Liz Herog







  shadow smashers





  this notebook is

  filled with monsters.

  check out

  the next book in the series!

  Alexandr and his frends, Rip and Nik,

  are mbers o
f the Supr Set Monster

  Patrol. Mnster cale shadw smaher

  are verywhe


  in mros, in clas

  phots, and evn o Rip! The S.M.P wil

  have to fight es trange shadws.

  But cld one f Alexandr's fiends b a

  monster? H is abut o find out!







  Ready for more fun

  with your favorite series?

  Illustrated early chapter books that grow readers!







  More leveling information for this book:

  Cover art by Sam Ricks

  Cover design by Will Denton

  Read all about

  Eerie Elementar
